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Meet the Crew



Head Programmer, Spare Driver

Current grade: Sophomore (10th) 
Years on the team: 4th
Pick a famous quote that describes you: “It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” - Bill Gates
Why did you join FTC: I joined FTC because I was excited for the challenge of tackling a challenge with a solution built from scratch. I was also interested in many of the skills and topics you can learn about through FTC 
What FTC-related topics are you most interested in: I am most interested in programming, automation, and optimizing robot control and mechanics.
Fun fact about you: I am a Boy Scout in troop 451, and I am currently working on my Eagle Scout rank.
Favorite tournament snack: Oreos



Build Team, Spare Everything

Current grade: Freshman (9th)

Years on the team: 2nd

Pick a famous quote that describes you: My mind is like a web browser. 19 tabs are open, 3 are frozen and I don't know where the music is coming from.-Anonymous 

Why did you join FTC: He joined FTC because he needed an upgrade from FLL and  the competition is much more intense.
What FTC-related topics are you most interested in: He likes the competition the most because he seems to be more efficient when time isn't in our favor. 

Fun fact about you: He likes wearing his fedora. It has pins all over for two reasons one that it shows good sportsmanship, And two he thinks that it might become bullet proof.

Fun fact about you: His favorite snack for tournaments is cookies of any sort.



Design Lead, 3D printing lead

Current grade: Junior (11th)
Years on the team: 4th
Pick a famous quote that describes you: “Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems."- Scott Adams 
Why did you join FTC: I joined fts because I have always enjoyed building and designing things and thought it would be a good experience
What FTC-related topics are you most interested in: the topics that i am most interested in are the design and cad elements of FTC
Fun fact about you: One fun fact about me is that I am a third year varsity tennis player 
Favorite tournament snack: Any type 
of candy

Team Members: Players


Head Driver, Build Team

Current grade: Junior (11th)
Years on the team: 4th
Pick a famous quote that describes you: “18 hours trying to drown a fish.”
Why did you join FTC: I joined FTC because I wanted to learn about the design process and I wanted to try something that I had never done before. 
What FTC-related topics are you most interested in: the design process
Fun fact about you: I play baseball and mountain bike 
Favorite tournament snack: really anything



Build Team

Current grade: Junior (11th)
Years on the team: 4th
Pick a famous quote that describes you: ”I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks, but I do fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” - Bruce Lee
Why I joined FTC: I joined FTC because I enjoyed building and I wanted to build more and I used to help on my brother's team before  I was on this team and it looks fun.
What FTC-related topics are you most interested in: the design progress
Fun fact about you: I am really good at battle frontier.
Favorite tournament snack: oreos and any candy



Build Team, Programmer

Current grade: Freshman (9th)
Years on the team: 1st
Pick a famous quote that describes you: The similarities between humans and computers are more numerous than the differences. --P.A. Scott
Why did you join FTC: He joined FTC because he really wanted the experience. He wanted to do it last year but wasn't able to.
What FTC-related topics are you most interested in: He is most interested in programming though and wants to try automation.
Fun fact about you: A fun fact about him is that he is a brown belt in taekwondo.
Favorite tournament snack: Though he hasn't been to a tournament he guesses that the best tournament snack is cookies.



Its The Robot

Team Members: Players
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